mercoledì 25 agosto 2021

Maurizio Lastrico - Sentieri e Pensieri 2021


foto e intervista di Michele Gavazza

Maurizio Lastrico a Santa Maria Maggiore, per Sentieri e Pensieri 2021. L'attore e autore genovese ha presentato al numeroso pubblico pezzi classici e qualche inedito divertendo e divertendosi. 

Ecco cosa ha raccontato ad  Hashtag Magazine:

HM: Quando ti sei accorto di avere i tempi comici?
ML: Dall'asilo credo, mi ha stupito l'effetto delle mie parole sui miei compagni già dall'asilo, mi è sembrato un mistero sul quale indagare la mia capacità di divertire gli altri.

HM: Ti trovi più a tuo agio in ruoli drammatici o in ruoli comici?
ML: In realtà mi piacciono molto entrambe le cose, se sono ruoli scritti bene, belle situazioni, concrete, si recitano volentieri. Io preferisco scrivere ruoli comici e invece essere scritturato per ruoli drammatici. Però prossimamente andrò a recitare in Boris, che è una serie TV comica, però scritta da autori di alto livello, perciò sono molto curioso e non vedo l'ora di cominciare a girare.

HM: Quindi è più facile recitare su copioni propri o su quelli di altri autori?
ML: dipende da qual è l'obiettivo, nello scrivere è più difficile la parte creativa, c'è il vantaggio che si può riscrivere ed è più facile arrivare ad un risultato soddisfacente, nei copioni scritti da altri, se sono profondi, se indagano nell'animo umano, allora sono molto interessanti da recitare. In generale è difficile essere educati, avere concretezza sia nello scrivere che nel recitare

HM: Hai esordito nel 1998 con la sceneggiatura del cortometraggio: "Molto piacere, sono io" hai pensato a continuare a scrivere, o sono solo idee legate e teatro o cinema?
ML: Un libro l'ho scritto, per Mondadori: "Nel mezzo del casin di nostra vita" mi sono divertito un sacco, è stato un bell'esercizio di stile, per quanto riguarda il continuare a scrivere, sono molto esigente sulla qualità del mio lavoro e  la mia creatività è convogliata nei pezzi per gli spettacoli e per il teatro, però non escludo in futuro di fare anche altro.

HM: Quanto ti è mancato il contatto con il pubblico durante la pandemia?
ML: Ovviamente tantissimo, ne ho approfittato per aggiustare il tiro sulle proposte che portavo in teatro. Ricominciare è molto bello, stanno arrivando un sacco di date, cresce un senso di normalità del teatro, anche se con tutte le regole proprio normale non è, un po' di disagio c'è, però il contatto con il pubblico, anche se un po' più distanziato è tornato ed era la cosa che più mi mancava.

sabato 21 agosto 2021

Juju Stories - Boccalino d'oro 2021

photo: Michele Gavazza

The Boccalino d'oro is the award of the Independent Critics, present at the Locarno International Film Festival. The 2021 edition awarded the Nigerian directors: C.J "Fiery" Obasi, Abba T. Makama and Micheal Omouna the prize for the best film for Juju Stories with this motivation:

"For the skill with which it show an important nation like Nigeria without hiding any of its problems, prospect and ancient tribal wisdom, partly through the fundamental role that women nw play in the life of the country."

venerdì 20 agosto 2021

Marino Bartoletti - Sentieri e Pensieri 2021

 Foto, video e intervista: Michele Gavazza

Inaugurata ieri (19 Agosto)  l'edizione 2021 di Sentieri e Pensieri con Marino Bartoletti che ha presentato al numeroso pubblico di Santa Maria Maggiore il suo nuovo libro: " La Cena degli Dei
Ed. Gallucci.
Al termine della presentazione il giornalista ha risposto alle domande di Hashtag Magazine.

domenica 15 agosto 2021

Laura Guoké - Coherencies at Il Rivellino LDV


foto e video Christian Righinetti, intervista Michele Gavazza

As part of the celebrations for 100 years of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Lithuania, the exhibition "Coherencies" was inaugurated on 8 August. We were able to interview one of the leading artists: the talented painter Laura Guoké.

Video interview

sabato 14 agosto 2021

Tomasz Wysokinski - Walk with Algels at Locarno 74


photo, video and interviw by Michele Gavazza

A quick interview with the Polish director and videomaker Tomasz Wysokinski on the occasion of the presentation of his documentary  Walk with Angels (Spacer z Aniolami) at Locarno74.

the story of Jeremiaiah Marobyane, an anti-apartheid hero who goes in search of missing children on the outskirts of Joannesburg. An intense documentary.

mercoledì 11 agosto 2021

Srdjan Dragojevic - Nebesa at Locarno 74


interview by Michele Gavazza

A nice interview with the writer and director Srdjan Dragojevic

HM: What was the genesis of Nebesa?
SD: Everything started five years ago when I found in my library a small book with Marcel Aymes fantastic stories. I recalled the fascination I felt many years ago, in my early 20-es, sometimes in the 80-ies with these fantastic stories and how I was thinking how wonderful films could have been made from them.
Idea to adapt them into modern times started to provoke me. Marcel Aymes refers to a completely different setting - Paris 1920 and his characters are from a small village environment - how to transfer them into present Eastern European society? Really challenging thing. Even regarding nutritious art (the third story of the film) Aymes had something completely different in mind - It is his cynicism addressed to left-wing writers who include social context and activism in their literary work. Aymes was a right wing guy who despised that kind of Art.
For me, these stories are just a canvas to develop my own ideas and dilemmas.
For me, who grew up in an Atheist society, in Socialism and whose sister is an Orthodox nun, some important questions appeared. What is the true nature of God? Is it the one from the Old Testament that punishes and asks for sacrifice or the God of love and mercy? Are we able to differentiate miracles as signs of God‘s mercy or the Devil‘s temptations? The Golden Calf is also a really important metaphor in HEAVENS ABOVE. Is Christianity in today‘s world just praying to idols, money, glory, celebrities, and our hungry, selfish Egos?

HM: You are both director and screenwriter of your film, is it easier for you to work in this way?
SD: In the 80-es I was quite recognized as a Poet, with three awarded books. I was publishing short stories in the magazines all around Yugoslavia. I was the editor of the literary pages in one magazine. So, writing was always the major way of expression to me. The directing came much later. I consider myself quite a solid director but much better writer and screenwriter.
I wrote a lot of things for the other director and was never quite satisfied with the result. To be just a screenwriter is a bit of a frustrating profession. If it turns out bad, you don't have a chance to prove that your script was far better than the following film. This way is more honest. If I f… up, I will f…up completely and nobody is responsible but me.

HM: What is the most vivid memory of that period after about 30 years?
SD: Oh. Most of my memories from 90-es come from shooting the films. It was hell of the time, war, sanctions, 100k inflations per day, hundreds armed lunatics running through the streets of Belgrade. I can say that my films saved me from turning crazy.
But, a lot of crazy things were happening during the pre-production and shooting.
We shot PRETTY VILLAGE PRETTY FLAME during the war, 1995. several kilometers from the front zone. We needed the armed vehicle for the film and there were a guy who got one for himself, driving it through the city of Visegrad in which vicinity we shot the film. Producer approached him and asked him to rent it for the film - Sure thing! the guy said, 100 Deutsche marks a day! But fuel is on you, it’s burns a lot! Later on, on the set, one crazy guy jumped on the top of that vehicle and pointed a anti air-craft toward us. Fully loaded. Started screaming - You fucking city boys from Belgrade, you came here to f…us around. A second before he shot at us, who were watching at the cannon, some officer jumped after him and stopped him. That was a time really close to death. I have a lot of stories like that, now they seem kinda nostalgic but it was a pure lunacy shooting the film under those circumstances.

HM: Were you excited to return to address the audience in the hall after the pandemic?
SD: Oh. After one year in the Corona bunker, I almost lost any hope that the audience would see my film alive. This first screening in Locarno, with almost two thousand people, was really emotional. Especially later on, when young people would recognised me on the streets and approaching me, asking really clever questions about the film. Film itself need live audience, a live contact between film-maker and the audience. Especially the films I am trying to make - films that open questions and discussion.

sabato 7 agosto 2021

Laetitia Casta - Locarno 74

 fotografie di Christian Righinetti

Il 74° Locarno Festival apre all'insegna di Laetitia Casta. L'edizione 2021 assegna all'attrice francese   il premio:  Excellence Award "Davide Campari".